About Us


TEI Studio

We were established in 2007 as Team Elites International (“TEI”). The group was formed with the aim to develop leadership and provide our members with a common forum in decision making, communication, professional enrichment and social exchanges.

At TEI, our mission is to be the driving force throughout the world by empowering people to improve lives and to create wealth. Our members share a spirit of inquiry and a desire to improve ourselves, our respective community and to help others.

Through collaboration with a science-based company and specialized partners, we roll out initiatives and programs that enhance the effectiveness of our members, individually and as a function of this community.

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To build a successful organization with multi-faceted expertise, we grow as a team and thrive on common values, mutual trust and professionalism. We align our direction and adopt a moonshot thinking approach to dealing with modern trends and issues in VUCA world.

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Since year 2007, we’ve been bridging people from where they are to where they aspire to be. We create greater impact and accomplish success in changing times. TEI Studio Programs and recommendations are based on forward looking and innovative approach, shared knowledge and clinically proven solutions.


Our Vision


We create an impact on people, individually or as a group, through positive connection and interaction with one another. We believe in making a difference through our people-centric and forward looking approach in what we do.


Feel free to speak with us about your goals and we will ensure you are on the right track towards achieving them!
